Category: Hacker Highlights

Creative Architecture Machines

Last month, I had the unique pleasure of serving as a guest judge at the final review for students in the “Creative Architecture Machines” studio course at the California College of the Arts (CCA). 6 groups each created a truly remarkable machine, and they’ve documented all the details you need to make your own!

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Supporting the TAHMO Weather Sensor Challenge in Nairobi, Kenya

The Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory (TAHMO) Project recently brought together 12 participants from all over Africa (and Spain) to build a unique weather station specifically design for Africa. My consultancy, Blum Idea Labs, proudly supported the workshop with Arduino Tutorials and a welcome video to get the participants excited about what they would be able to accomplish.

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Year of Open Source

This was so cool, it simply had to be shared.  Sam Muirhead, a filmmaker in Berlin, is going to attempt something so awesome, that I can’t help but to be excited.  Sam’s plan is to spend an entire year living open source.  I don’t just mean using linux and ditching apple products.[…]

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Hacker Highlights: Easton’s Hand Strikes Again

This post was featured on on 8/29/2011 This post was featured on on 9/01/2011 This post was featured on on 9/01/2011 Remember [Easton’s] Robotic Hand from a few months ago?  We’ll he hasn’t been resting on his laurels since winning the regional science fair and going to[…]

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A Second Visit to BlueStamp Engineering

Talking with all the aspiring engineers at BlueStamp Engineering last week went over so well that Dave and Robin (the co-founders) asked me to come back and speak again this week.  This time, we actually remembered to film my talk, so you can check it out below.  Dave asked me[…]

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BlueStamp Engineering Visit

Talking to some of the BlueStamp Engineering Students Today I got the unique opportunity to stop by BlueStamp Engineering, a summer enrichment program for aspiring engineers.  Dave Young, the co-founder and Chief Engineering Officer is a fellow blogger at the element14 Do-It-Yourself blog, and is a Electrical Engineer based out[…]

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Hacker Highlights: Easton’s Animatronic Hand

[Easton LaChappelle] first got in touch with me last year when he started to work on this project.  I thought it was great idea, and considering that he was a freshman in high school, I was very impressed by his enthusiasm to learn about electronics, wireless communications, etc.  I gave him[…]

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Hacker Highlights: Steven’s Temperature Display

Open Source saves the day once again!  Working off the Arduino+I2C+Processing powered temperature display that I crafted in my 7th Arduino Tutorial, [Steven Dayton] has crafted a beautiful Processing Sketch that puts mine to shame.  He created the illustration using InkScape 0.48, and has included 3 variations of the background[…]

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