Tag: mod

Nerf Sentry Gun…be afraid.

The nerf sentry gun was developed as a final project for Cornell University’s CS1114 Matlab Robotics class.  Jason Wright and I worked on the gun together, and were awarded “coolest final project”. Check out the video of the gun in action, and see how we built it: READ ON FOR[…]

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Work Continues, Camera Battery Dies

Oops, I forget to charge my camera battery, so no pictures today we managed to get some the next day (posted below), but here’s what we’ve done recently. We completely finshed the metal rack that will hold the sensors, and accompanying tripod mount for it.  Using module components, we are[…]

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More guitar mods, and PCB testing

Since we are convinced that the inside our our guitar is going to look really cool when complete, we’ve decided to make a a back window out of plexiglass, so today we’ve started to cut it. As normal, today was also another day of program tweaking, something that will likely[…]

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Auto LED indicator and switch installation

Programming continued today. In fact, we are essentially rewriting the code to better take advantage of the propeller chip’s many IO pins. In addition to that, we installed an LED above the rocker switch to indicate when autonomous mode is activated, and installed a hex switch (0-15), that will allow[…]

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Guitar Mods, Program Tweaking, PCB Building

Work on the guitar has been continuing at a steady rate. What has been going on: We’ve installed the d-sub connection into the side of the guitar We’ve installed a switch above the whammy bar that will turn autonomous mode on or off We’re still working on trying to mold[…]

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