Credit: Bernard Osei, Forbes Magazine
Hi there! I’m Jeremy. If you want to know a bit more about me, read on!
My passion is using engineering to improve people’s lives, and giving people the tools they need to do the same.
Currently, I'm the Senior Vice President of Engineering and Principal Electrical Engineer at Shaper, where we're using computer vision to reinvent the way people use handheld power tools. Prior to joining Shaper, I was a lead electrical architect for confidential products at Google [x], including Google Glass.
I received my Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Cornell University. At Cornell, I co-founded and led Cornell University Sustainable Design, I launched a first-of-its-kind entrepreneurial co-working space for students, and I conducted robotics and machine learning research.
I have an insatiable passion for building things. I have designed prosthetic hands, fiber-optic LED lighting systems, home-automation systems, 3D printers and scanners, self-assembling robots, wearable computing platforms, learning robots, and more. Some of this work has even been featured in international conferences, peer-reviewed journals, and in popular media outlets such as The Discovery Channel, The Wall Street Journal, and Popular Science Magazine. Forbes Magazine named me to their annual 30-Under-30 list as recognition for my work that has "helped America make things and get stuff done." I'm also the inventor on several patents. Whenever possible, I open source my projects so that others can learn from them, and build upon them.
When not building products, I love to teach. My written and video tutorials have been utilized by millions of people to learn electrical engineering and embedded software design. My book, Exploring Arduino, has been translated into multiple languages and is used as an engineering textbook around the world, including at my Alma Mater, Cornell.
You can see what I'm up to at JeremyBlum.com.