(My Open Source At-Home Bike Trainer)
Stuck indoors during the pandemic, I needed a creative outlet and a way to get exercise, so I built an open source stationary bike trainer with real-time web monitoring and controls.
Tutorial 11 for Arduino: SD Cards and Datalogging
This is my first in a series of more advanced Arduino tutorials. Now that we’ve covered the basics in tutorials 1-10 (you have watched them all right!?), it’s time to start pursuing some more complex projects! In this episode, we’ll utilize an SD card shield from to create a[…]
Tutorial 4 for Arduino: Analog Inputs
This tutorial was featured on the official Arduino blog on 3/9/2011 This week is all about analog inputs for the arduino. I’ll show you how you can use a voltage divider circuit (see episode 3) and a variable resistor to make an analog sensor. We’ll also use a Sharp IR[…]
Testing Mounting Solutions
As we finish tweaking our programming, we’ve been testing options for mounting our sensors. After first experimenting with a plexiglass mount, we moved on to velcro (with a temporary lego and K’nex mount). That was too difficult to adjust, so we finally mounted the boards on rails. We’ve ordered sliding[…]
Moving Towards a Finalized Design
Today was dedicated to getting a working prototype of the guitar in its nearly final form. Since we have redesigned the control board, we modified the original design by cutting connections and jumpering pins to get it working with the programming. This is only temporary for testing purposes. All of[…]
More PCB modding, Prepping the Sensor Track
As yesterday, we continued modding the control PCBs to work with our current programming. In addition to that, we finally started routing a path for our sensing circuits. They will sit on a plexiglass base and be able to slide horizontally to accomidate to differently sized televisions. Pictures from today: