Tag: arduino

Driving 5 Speakers Simultaneously with an Arduino

This post was featured on the Hack-a-Day Blog on 9/14/10 Mimi Yin has a neat implementation of this code for an interactive sculpture. I’m working on a project where I want to drive 5 speakers independently – each with a variable volume and set frequency (though the frequency of each[…]

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Let’s get Digital…or Analog!?

Pardon the stupid title for this post.  It’s simply what popped into my head.  Anyways…I’ve got a new episode of techbits!  It’s been several months since the last episode, but hopefully my recent electronics projects have kept you entertained in the meanwhile.  This time, I’m talking about analog and digital[…]

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SudoGlove – Hardware Control Using Hand Gestures

Update 5/19/10 – I have uploaded the final report, code, schematics, laser-cutting files, and sound effects!  Read on to download them. Introducing the SudoGlove Control System!  This is my final project for INFO4320 at Cornell Engineering.  It was developed by me and three other students: Joe Ballerini, Tiffany Ng, and[…]

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3D-Printed Glowing Puzzle

Ahh yes, the joys of college – awesome people, parties, concerts, quadrangles (they are important!), problem sets, final exams, and of course, awesome prototyping equipment.  Take for example the objet 3D-Printer.  We use one in Cornell’s Computational Synthesis Lab (CCSL), where I am employed as an undergraduate researcher.  But the[…]

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Arduino-Powered Jack-in-the-Box Toy

Remember the last design project I posted?  Well this second one is for the same Physical Computing class, but is totally different.  This time, the assignment was to create a Jack-in-the-Box toy.   To make mine unique I added password protection and an alarm system to the box.  Check out the[…]

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