Research Abstract

There are multiple problems associated with myoelectric control, currently the most popular form of prosthetic control. Myoelectrodes are expensive, require extensive processing to remove noise, must sometimes be implanted to receive the best signal, and often receive a noisy signal when used externally. One out of every twenty times, myoelectrodes[…]

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Finalist in the Intel Science Talent Search

I was notified today that the work I submitted to the Intel Science Talent Search earned me a position as one of 40 finalists. Over 1,600 students entered their research into the competition from 45 states. I will attend a finalist week in Washington DC in march, and be given[…]

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Building a Mineral Oil Computer

I’ve been wanting to do this for a while, and now it’s finally done. Myself, and a few friends have finished building a computer completely submerged in mineral oil. Because mineral oil does not conduct electricity, computer components can be submerged in it without risk of shorting. It also helps[…]

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